Lets say we have a relationship – a Mall HAS_MANY Shop.
We want to use CActiveRecord to return an array of Shops, while also access each shop individually by it’s id, like
To achieve this, in the Mall (CActiveRecord) model, we declare this
Say a Book is written by many Authors, an Author writes many Books. Thus, a third database table stores the relationship, namely author_book. Lets also store the role (author or co-author) in the relationship.
We want to access the role via CActiveRecord. Lets create a AuthorBook CActiveRecord model.
In the Book CActiveRecord model, declare relations.
By using
While, using
Scenario: In a online library system, display a Book page for a single book, also shows the Author(s) and the role of the author in this book.
Lets do it! In the BookController.php
In the view.php
Also note that current Yii version (1.1.2) doesn’t support accessing additional data in the join table, other than creating a new Model for it, as what we did.
We want to use CActiveRecord to return an array of Shops, while also access each shop individually by it’s id, like
//get Mall id 28 $myMall = Mall::model()->findByPk(28); //get preferrred shop of Mall 28 $preferredShop = $myMall->shops[$preferredShopId];
To achieve this, in the Mall (CActiveRecord) model, we declare this
public function relations() { return array( 'shops' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Shop', 'mall_id', 'index'=>'id'), ) }
in above means “use column id as the index of the Shop class while accessing the ‘shops‘ relation“.Usage example in a many-to-many relationship
This method is also useful in the case of “many-to-many” relationship.Say a Book is written by many Authors, an Author writes many Books. Thus, a third database table stores the relationship, namely author_book. Lets also store the role (author or co-author) in the relationship.
CREATE TABLE author_book (author_id INT, book_id INT, role VARCHAR(128));
class AuthorBook extends CActiveRecord { public static function model($className=__CLASS__) { return parent::model($className); } public function primaryKey() { return array('author_id','book_id'); } public function tableName() { return 'author_book'; } }
public function relations() { return array( 'authors' => array(self::MANY_MANY, 'Author', 'author_book(author_id, book_id)', 'index'=>'id'), 'authorbook' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'AuthorBook', 'book_id', 'index'=>'author_id'), ) }
in the ‘authors’ relations, we can do this//echo the author name of this book, given the author's ID echo $myBook->authors[$authorId]->name;
in the ‘authorbook’ relations, we can do//echo the author's role in this book, given the author's ID echo $myBook->authorbook[$authorId]->role;
Lets do it! In the BookController.php
public function actionView() { //get Book id to display $myBook = Book::model()->findByPk($_GET['id']); //get the Author(s) of the book $myAuthors = $myBook->authors; $this->render('view',array('myBook'=>$myBook, 'myAuthors'=>$myAuthors)); }
//to get the Book's name echo $myBook->name; ... foreach($myAuthors as $myAuthor): //to get the Author's name echo $myAuthor->name; //to get the Author's role in the book, simply echo $myBook->authorbook[$myAuthor->id]->role; endforeach ...
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